Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gastric Bypass Surgery

I was googling about gastric bypass surgery because I remember watching it on tv, they showed the animation where it bypass the stomach. They actually cut a small part of the stomach from your stomach and that small part will be your new stomach and the remaining of the stomach will be still there but does not have any food and is kept to release digestive juices.

The part where your stomach is connected to the small intestine, the part where the small intestine absorbs the most nutrients is cut off and sewn to the new stomach.

Now I understand it, the new stomach is damn small. Here's a video to make you understand better. I don't know if it's a lazy thing to do or not, like some people opt for gastric bypass instead of working out. I think gastric bypass is worse because you have to change your lifestyle forever.

There's another surgery where they call it stomach stapling where they cut a hole in the stomach to reduce in size. Just watch the video, hard to explain.

It's a life changing experience because they cannot eat much anymore and cannot eat many types of food. If they eat too much, they will throw up because the stomach is so small. They also have to take supplements because the intestine does not absorb as much nutrients anymore and this might cause problems associated with lack of nutrients.

I think gastric bypass is like a last resort if you cannot lose weight through working out and lifestyle change. Can workout be ineffective in losing weight? I always think that exercise and diet is the only non-surgical way to lose weight (don't count slimming centre, don't know what they do to u).

This is the video for gastric bypass surgery, it's not scary, its an animation:

I know that slimming center will give you a diet plan and a drink for you to drink so that you will not have appetite to eat the whole day. So dangerous and unhealthy. The slimming center will obviously work if they give a diet plan. How on earth can you actually lose weight with sauna and massage and stuff anyway. It will work if you keep on going to the slimming center and follow their diet but I bet most people will not maintain after the slimming centre.

I still think going to the gym is the best, not slimming center. I also hate their advertisment. I sometimes think it's not even the same person for before and after photo. It can be photoshop. The worst part is that they advertise "lose 31 inches around your body". Ya, lose 31 inches on my both arms, both forearms, bust, hips, butt, 3 parts of both thighs, calfs, waist, chest, neck, shoulder .......


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